Old Adelaide Gaol - embracing the lessons of the past to create a better future

Why is the Old Adelaide Gaol the right place for an event based on forging new links for systems change?

Everything about Impact Chains is being carefully curated to reflect the conditions that we want to create for positive systems change - this includes who is in the room, how we co-create the agenda, how we activate the sessions, what we buy, who we buy from, how accessible everything is and where we place ourselves. The venue we have chosen is the Old Adelaide Gaol, and this was also a carefully thought-out decision that was not made lightly. 

We did not want to have big, challenging discussions on complex social and environmental issues in a comfortable corporate setting. Our intentions in choosing to run Impact Chains at the Old Adelaide Gaol is multifaceted. 

It challenged our thinking, and we know it will challenge many others too. 

We want to venture outside of our comfort zone, as being comfortable with being uncomfortable is necessary to embrace and take action for real lasting change.

The Gaol is where complexity is writ large. Many of the stories of broken systems that we are tackling have played out within the walls of the old Gaol. There is a desire to pay homage to these stories, because recognition and acknowledgement is also necessary to drive systems change for social and environmental impact. 

In saying this, we recognise that the Old Adelaide Gaol is a place of intense discomfort that goes beyond the visible - it is a place of violence, of colonisation, of deep inequities and power imbalances. We do not want to underestimate the potential impact of this setting on people who hold a connection of some form. Of highest priority, we will be working to ensure we create conditions for both physical and psychological safety including safe spaces, safe words, roving wellbeing workers, plenty of breaks and uplifting experiences.

Our history is a reminder of where we have been and an invitation for where we want to go. Changemaking takes courage - we invite you to step into your discomfort and join us as we navigate our way as individuals and as a collective towards the kind of world that we truly want to live in. 

Our upcoming and much anticipated event Impact Chains in November 2021 is a revolutionary event designed to bring together impact drivers across all industries, sectors, professions and lived experiences to learn, connect, collaborate and take measurable action to address the many complex social and environmental problems that we face here in Australia and globally. Impact Chains will inspire, forge new opportunities and build your capacity to drive positive impact from where you are, with what you have.

Impact Chains is co-created with community, powered by Collab4Good. For more info, head to www.collab4good.com.au/impact-chains-2021


Changing the narrative - driving impact as a collective


Expressions of Interest now open for Impact Chains 2021 activators